The World Timecapsule

In the early 1980's, when I was in my early 20's, I dreamed of saving the world. This is where the dream took me... Welcome to The World Timecapsule! I worked passionately on this project for over 10 years, founded a non-profit organization, and invited the world to join me on this epic journey. Professionally I have been a commercial photographer and artist my whole life, and I have come to view this visionary endeavor as a piece of social art. I invite you now, decades later, to share in this global vision. While the project never realized it full goals and disbanded in 1994, it did reach several thousand students and individuals through its educational and membership programs. The final contents of the World Timecapsule are now part of the permanent collection of the MN Historical Society, and select parts were included in the SpaceArc collection which was sent into outer space in 1994. This site is a work in progress as I attempt to digitize the entire original collection of materials, and share this unique story today in the same spirit of optimism for a more enlightened future for all. Ad Astra!